Linda P. Jones – Women of Worth Ministries presents
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6:30 PM TO 7:30 PM AST
Don’t let ungodly soul ties hinder you from progressing into your destiny.
Have you ever tried to move on from a toxic relationship, but somehow you still cannot get that person from your mind; you‘re having the hardest time letting go of them emotionally.
If you can’t stop thinking about a hurtful person or situation, you may have a soul tie.
Soul ties can be good, and they can be bad. It just depends on the type of relationship and the fruit that relationship produces.
In this free webinar, you will discover:
Are you ready to break free?
Rev. Jones is a transformational leader. She founded Linda P. Jones Ministries for the purpose of imparting God’s Word, as a means by which people can take positive steps to transform their lives. Those courageous steps can then develop into better relationships at home, in the community, in business, and with society.