It is time to say goodbye to the burden of failure and guilt you feel when you think of your past!

Learn how to partner with the Lord in releasing and overcoming the lingering memories of past wounds and mistakes.



The Women of Worth Mentorship Academy (WOWMA) is a Faith-Based Program designed to help you overcome feelings of despair and unworthiness to confidently live out your God-given destiny.

The H.E.R.S. Framework (Healed Equipped and Restored to Serve) was developed specifically for women like YOU – to help you let go of the past once and for all, and to take the next steps towards fulfilling the goals and dreams in your heart.

Through this Biblically-proven framework you will be able to take Scripture and engage with it in a way that’s simple but profound. You will see the ease in which the scriptures will come alive and can be applied to your daily life in practical ways in real time.

In fact, engaging with the material, partnering with the Lord, and applying it to your life is exactly what will position you to experience the transformation you have been looking for, and gain the confidence to begin to release your gifts to serve others!

Introducting The

Healing Module

For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,’ says the LORD, ‘because they called you an outcast saying: “This is Zion; No one seeks her.” – Jeremiah 30:17

It is time to say goodbye to the burden of failure and guilt you feel when you think of your past!  The lessons in this module have been thoughtfully designed to inspire you to partner with the Lord in releasing and overcoming the lingering memories of past wounds and mistakes… By doing so, you can finally experience the freedom and wholeness you’ve longed for and which God desires for you.

Purchase Each Class Separately for $97 Each or Get ALL 5 for only $397 (Save $88)

Classes in this module include:

This is a question you will have to answer at some point in your life, because your identity will be challenged; by others, by the adversary and even by you. Both Jesus and John the Baptist had to face this question. The issue of knowing who you really are – your identity – is imperative to you successfully fulfilling destiny. This course will encourage you to stand up, claim your true identity in Christ and walk confidently in your authority.

Have you ever been embarrassed by the memory of your past. Or asked what good could come out of the failure, the painful experience you endured, or that sin you committed and repented of? You wish that you could permanently erase it from your memory, but you can’t. Good news! God can take the broken pieces of your life and use them to create a mosaic of beauty and redemption.  In this course you will learn how your pain can become the very thing that brings hope and healing to others.

Your past does not define you, and your trauma does not have to be your destiny. There’s hope. The story of the madman of Gadara, in Mark chapter 5, provides an excellent case study on the effect of how unhealed painful memories of past experiences can adversely affect one’s life. But it didn’t end there, the highlight of his story is how the presence and power of Jesus completely and beautifully transformed him and repositioned him to fulfill his destiny and it will do the same for you.

You’d agree that it is much easier to reconstruct damaged walls and gates than people’s lives, but not for God.  In this course you will be encouraged to see how God through His Spirit He is actively at work to successfully rebuild your life. Regardless of what devastation you may have suffered in the past, with His grace and strength, He will partner to rebuild your life on a foundation of hope and purpose.

Do you feel like you are just in survival mode? Don’t get me wrong, it takes a lot intestinal fortitude to survive. But God’s best for you is to move from a place of scarcity to abundance, from fear to confidence, and from surviving to thriving. You have the potential to thrive in every area of your life. This course will encourage you to start living like it.

Explore the ways God equips you to experience healing, restoration, and spiritual growth leading to a life of joy and fulfillment.

Each class includes:

4-5 Recorded Lessons that will help you hear God’s voice and discern with greater clarity what you need to do next to discover and fulfill the next phase of your life’s purpose.

PDF Handbook with exercises that will help reinforce each lesson.

Special Bonus: 20-minute Discover Call with Dr. Linda Jones

Meet Your Facilitator

Dr. Linda P Jones, is a wife, mother, author, speaker, coach/mentor and gifted teacher of the Word of God and ordained minister.

She draws on her own personal “lived” experiences and lessons of life to connect passionately, and empathetically with her audiences. She founded Linda P Jones Ministries and her mission is to equip women for life and ministry. As a result she has also founded Women of Worth Ministries (W.O.W) and Women of Worth Mentorship Academy -WOWMA. WOWMA is a transformational mentoring online academy established on four significant pillars: H.E.R.S.: to help Heal, Equip, Restore women to Serve with confidence and unapologetically in their calling.

She has written over 10 books, spoken at community groups, educational institutes, and has hosted seminars/workshops, conferences, prayer breakfasts, and women’s meetings. She is an ordained minister has a Master’s and Doctorate degree in Practical Theology at Masters Intentional University of Divinity Evansville, Indiana.