God is Your Refuge In Time of National Upheaval

Today kingdoms are being shaken, others are being overthrown, wars are raging, there are threats of nuclear war, revolts over government leadership…enough to cause one’s heart to fear.

However, Psalm 46 gives us a comforting picture of God’s promises to protect His people during times of upheaval. He leaves nothing out when it comes to our care. From this psalm He promised to be your refuge in times from:

  • Natural disasters – Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Psalm 46:2
  • Nuisance peoplethe word refuge also means ‘shelter from falsehood’. And then there is
  • National upheaval

So much in the media is bad news, every day you read or listen about some national calamity. It is enough to make you want go back to bed and pull the sheets over your head and tell your family to wake you up when it is all over.

During these times and experiences, the psalmist adamantly exclaims that God is our Refuge.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. – Psalm 46:1


But the word for refuge here in the Hebrew, is different word than the others, it is ‘misgab which means, height, secure height, retreat, a loft or inaccessible place. 

When it comes to nations and political issues you are dealing with a different spiritual dimension. You are dealing with principalities and powers, and wickedness in high places.  Therefore God raises the bar and He becomes a place of retreat for His people, a place which is inaccessible to the enemy.


Notice there is an added descriptive to God in this warfare – He is the God of Jacob, this is significant. Remember Jacob? He got into all kinds of trouble. He is the one who stole the blessing from his brother Esau as well as tricked his father into giving him his brother’s birthright for a pot of stew. Jacob, the trickster, who ended up being tricked by his uncle Laban; and God had to rescue him from the abuse.  Jacob the one who wrestled with God and his name and nature was changed to Israel, Prince with God…

This same God who appeared to Jacob in his distress, and saved him out of all his troubles, this covenant keeping God, is our refuge.  What He did for Jacob He will do for you regardless of the amount of trouble we get ourselves into or what is inflicted upon us by those in authority.

The writer invites us to look and see the powerful hand of God at work in the nations. See the desolations the Lord has made in the earth, the God of Jacob will make wars to cease and all weapons of war will be broken in pieces and burned in fire.

So listen to the psalmist and,

Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at Me, your High God, above politics, above everything.

Jacob-wrestling God fights for us, GOD of angel armies protects us.” 46:10-11 MSG

So my friend be still, relax, be calm confident trusting knowing that He is the all Powerful God who will be made high and exalted in the earth.

© Dr. Linda P. Jones

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