You Are Surrounded!

The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. -Psalm 34:7


One day while driving down the highway I attempted to change lanes, and I did what I always do, look in my rear-view mirror to see that it was all clear. However, I didn’t look over my shoulder and so didn’t see to see a car coming right up alongside me – it was hidden in my blind spot.  I put on my indicator and proceeded to turn into the lane, and to my great surprise a car came whizzing by  and missed me by literally inches. In a split second I was able to quickly pull back into my lane to avoid being side-swiped and avoid what could have been a horrible accident. I don’t know how I did that.  When I pulled back into my lane, with my heart racing, an angel clip which was fastened in my overhead visor suddenly fell into my lap. I knew right away the Lord was telling me an angel saved me from what would have been a terrible accident.


What an encouragement to know that God has assigned an angel (or angels) to encamp around, to encircle you? The word ‘encamp’ means to pitch a tent, to dwell – which indicates that this is not a short term assignment; he sets up a dwelling place all around you, because you fear the Lord. The angel is there to protect the people of God as an army defends a country, he “pitches his tent” near the people of God, and is there to guard them from imminent danger. Hallelujah!

Hebrews 1:14 says that angels are all ministering spirits to those who are heirs of salvation. That’s you, it is part of your inheritance. Angels are assigned to defend you, lead, and guide you, rescue you, comfort you under trial and sustain you in death.


All angels are spirits who serve. God sends them to serve those who will receive salvation.  – Hebrews 1:14 CJB


The angel doesn’t just guard but he also delivers, and the implication here is, to pull out, to rescue, set free, and to draw you out from the hands of your enemies. Also involved in the meaning of ‘delivers,’ is to equip for war.  So in some difficulties rather than pull you out of harm’s way, (like he did for me), he arms you for war, so that you can fight and win!

The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him [who revere and worship Him with awe] and each of them He delivers.’ Psalm 34:7 The Amplified Bible

The capitalization of the letter A in ‘Angel’ gives it a deeper meaning because in the Old Testament it refers to the LORD Himself who is often called the Angel of the LORD.

So, my friend, let this truth resonate within you: you’re encircled by favor, enfolded in angelic guardianship. Whether in the quiet moments of life or amidst the stormy trials, you’re not alone. You have an unseen entourage, an army of angels, and the Omnipresent God on your side. Your path is illuminated, danger is averted, and victory is your destiny.

You are surrounded with favor and divine protection!

© Dr. Linda P. Jones

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